My blog, YOUR choice..

This is your chance to choose what content this blog will have. Now I am wrapping up generation 1 it is time to think about generation 2.

1. Are you happy with the amount of chapters for generation 1?

(There will be around 40 in total).

Do you think there are too many chapters?
Do you want me to only write about the important events?

2. Are you happy with the length of the chapters?

Do you want chapters which are longer?
Do you want chapters which are shorter?

3. Do you have any other suggestions?

Please fill out the poll to the right or use the contact page.

Your feedback will be appreciated and noted, this is
your chance to decide the content of this blog!
Monday 22 December 2014

Now the twins were older it was time for their first breakfast. Autumn wasn't happy in the new chair and made sure her daddy knew. Aiden was happy in his new chair but he was more of a carefree toddler.

Soon Autumn settled down and was excited about breakfast as well. 

Selina had to go to work so it was Judes responsibility to make sure the twins had their breakfast. He gave Autumn her breakfast first then prepared Aidens. Autumn had finished her breakfast before Aiden had even taken a bite!

Jude cleaned up the breakfast dishes and snuggled Autumn.

Aiden wasn't happy about this as he wanted a snuggle too!

Aiden was always close to his daddy.

Aiden smiles at his daddy.

Jude looks as Aiden and knows how happy he is to be a daddy.

*End of chapter 11. Feedback would be very much appreciated. Thank-you for reading.*


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